Middle English Writers and their works
In this post, I am gonna summarize the name of Middle English literature Writers and their works:
1. Geoffrey Chaucer
a) The Canterbury Tales
b) Troylus and Crysede
c) The Legend of Good Women
2. William Langland - The Vision of Pier's the Ploughman
3. Anonymous writers:
a) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight b) Pearl c) Patience
Prose works:
1. Richard Rolle
- The Form of Perfect Living
2. John Wycliffe - Translated some parts of Bible into English and helped it to publish in English.
3. Thomas Malory
- Arthur's Death
Types of Dramas:
1 Miracle or mystery plays – described about the lives of Saints, religious in themes, stories from Bible
2 Morality plays – taught moral lessons, abstractions personified
3 Interludes – provided comic relief between two acts of a play