Middle English Writers and their works

Middle English Writers and their works

In this post, I am gonna summarize the name of Middle English literature Writers and their works:

Middle English Writers and their works, Middle English Literature summary, NEB Literature summary, BA Major English literaturePoetry
1. Geoffrey Chaucer
a)  The Canterbury Tales 
b)  Troylus and Crysede
 c)  The Legend of Good Women

2. William Langland - The Vision of Pier's the Ploughman

3. Anonymous writers: 
a) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight   b) Pearl      c) Patience

Prose works:
1.  Richard Rolle
The Form of Perfect Living

2.  John Wycliffe - Translated some parts of Bible into English and helped it to publish in English.

3. Thomas Malory
 Arthur's Death

Types of Dramas:

1 Miracle or mystery plays – described about the lives of Saints, religious in themes, stories from Bible
2 Morality plays – taught moral lessons, abstractions personified
3 Interludes – provided comic relief between two acts of a play

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